Monday, July 13, 2009

Weigh in and weekend update!

Gooooood Morning!

Well, Friday was my weigh in! I lost 5.2 lbs!!! WOOT! I'm super excited about that loss...and though I want to lose this last 14.8 lbs before Sept 13th (trip to florida!!), I realize I likely won't have as big a week again...but that's ok! I'm well on my way to goal!

This weekend we went to my parents place in Windsor...and I didn't go crazy with food (which is an easy thing to do when I'm there). I totally stayed within my points and went for two loooong walks with Shane and the puppy :)

Tonight I'm going to swimming, and I know for sure Thursday and Friday morning I'm heading to the gym after I drop Shane off for work...and then Thursday night is hike night with the WW ladies! I can't wait to see what I can accomplish this week!



  1. WOOT WOOT!!!!! Congrats on the loss! That is awesome, keep it up!

  2. WOW! That's amazing! How'd you do it?

  3. Thanks Jen :)

    Jess, Honestly, I stopped lying to myself. I am horrible when it comes to having "one of these" or "just one of those" here and there and not counting it. Now, I'm back to legitimately counting absolutely everything...and if it's not worth counting, I don't eat it lol...hmmm...this could have had me at goal already....oh well! no time like the present!
